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What Is The Best DIY Bed Bug Treatment?

Nov 07, 2021


“Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” can only be true when you are taking the right precautions and executing the right treatment to keep the bed bugs away. Though pest control is one of the most effective ways to get rid of bed bugs, there are several DIY bed bug treatments in Calgary that can help you achieve a bedbug-free house. Read ahead to find out about some of the best DIY bed bug treatments!

Best DIY Bed Bug Treatments

As bed bugs are stubborn creatures, a single treatment is not effective to take them out. You will require a combination of treatments, depending upon the amount of area the bugs have targeted. To entirely clean your house from bed bugs, begin by isolating the affected furniture and treating it with chemicals. Then, use the following treatments: 

Extreme heat or extreme cold treatment

Wash your clothes, bedding, soft items, etc., with steaming hot water in a washing machine. The heat kills the bugs immediately. You can try steam cleaning heavier objects like a mattress infested by bed bugs. Ensure to apply heat on every corner of the furniture and upholstery. 

For the cold treatment, try the freezing method, where non-washable items are put into plastic bags and frozen for at least 24 hours in a freezer. The extreme cold kills the bed bugs and their eggs too. 

Vacuum to evacuate bed bugs

One of the most effective methods is vacuuming your space. Thorough vacuuming of your house helps in removing bed bugs from every nook and corner. Bed bugs can hide in the most unexpected and invisible places. A vacuum helps in reaching those spaces and disrupting bed bugs from the roots. 

Borax to the rescue!

Borax is a household cleaning item that suffocates the bed bugs and kills them. You can sprinkle borax all over your mattress and add a little to the washing machine as well. Borax makes breathing challenging for the bed bugs and knocks them out. 

Natural oils

Tea tree oil, Lavender oil, & Peppermint oil can help in preventing bed bugs from spreading. Tea tree oil conceals the smell of sweat that attracts bed bugs. Lavender & Peppermint oil repel the bed bugs with their scent, driving them away from your house as they never are welcomed. These natural oils are easy to obtain and have no harmful effects on your house or you. 

Vinegar’s a villain (for bed bugs!)

Vinegar, used with other home remedies, is a sure-shot way to kill bed bugs. It gets absorbed in every crack and forces the bed bugs to crawl out. However, it does not kill the eggs, and therefore, you need to vacuum after using vinegar. 
DIY treatments always garner fruitful results. Nonetheless, to gain permanent and long-lasting freedom from bed bugs, pest control service is a must. Top Line Pest, a pest control company in Calgary that offers effective pest control services that shoo away bed bugs for a long time. Looking for successful bed bug treatments in Calgary, give us a call today!

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