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Flea Infestation: This is what all homeowners should know

Dec 03, 2021



 A flea is a wingless insect that feeds on the blood of animals or humans. This parasitic insect, which might lead to a full-blown flea infestation, primarily attacks the skin surface of dogs and cats. They are known to cause itchiness and irritation to their host.

This parasitic insect, which might lead to a full-blown flea infestation, primarily attacks the skin surface of dogs and cats.
 A flea is a wingless insect that feeds on the blood of animals or humans.

They can be found in pets, in yards, and love hiding in tall grasses and areas where it is warm. You stand a chance of getting fleas even though you do not own a pet. You can get them outside, in another house, or from someone else’s pet. 

Fleas thrive best in warm conditions. It is the reason why they attack pets; due to their fur. It is in these conditions that they reproduce.

If your pet has a flea infestation, there are higher chances they will spread it to the house.

What causes flea infestation in homes?


If you own a pet, you stand a high chance of being affected by fleas. Fleas tend to hitchhike on pets, and eventually, the pet brings it home. Besides, they attack pets due to their furs which provides a conducive environment.

You might not own a pet, but your house got infested with fleas. You could have visited a home with fleas or had a visit from a person who owns a pet, and the pet has a flea infestation. It could be the reason you the fleas too.

Second-hand furniture

Are you wondering how second-hand furniture can cause fleas? First, you do not know the reason behind why the seller is disposing of furniture. Well, maybe it got infested with fleas, and their way of dealing is by selling the furniture.

You should be extra careful purchasing second-hand items. Have a thorough inspection before purchase to clear all doubts.


When was the last time you attended to your lawn, cut it, and made it neat? If you cannot recall, this is the cause of fleas you are complaining about in your home.

Fleas live on long grass, and this way, they will hop onto your pet and bring them inside the house. Ensure to take proper care of your lawn by cutting it short.

Significant signs that your house has a flea infestation


I know animals scratch all the time. You might want to have a closer look if the scratching is too much than usual. 

Pets can be a major cause for flea infestation.

Your pet will experience an excess urge for scratching, licking, and biting their fur. Fleas bite pets along the neck, behind the head, lower abdomen, and at the trail of their tails.

Remember, fleas hide best in furs; their bites bring discomfort, which is why your pet is displaying those signs.

Hair loss

The constant scratching and biting of the bitten areas on your pet will cause them to shed their fur. If you notice some patches of hair loss on your pet, you should get a vet to look at them.

A specific type of fleas can cause reactions that lead to hair loss on pets.

The white sock test

You could have looked out for the signs of fleas but did not get any, or maybe you do not own a pet. Here is a way to be sure of the presence of fleas in your home.

Get a pair of your white socks and walk around the house. 

Pay close attention to areas where you have carpets in place. You’ll spot them as soon as you remove the socks.

Remember, fleas hitchhike on pets; that is what they did to your socks. They probably thought it was their new host.

Flea dirt

These are flea feces. It is small and red-brown or black. If you come across such dirt in the house, it indicates a flea invasion in your home.

You could be mistaken for a speck of household dirt in the house. Carefully collect it in a white paper towel and spray water on it. If it changes to a red or brown color, there is evidence of fleas in your home.

These droppings could also be in your pet’s fur. Wear gloves while checking your pet to avoid getting the fleas to yourself.

Flea bites

It is not only on the animals but on humans too. Flea bites usually appear as red, bumpy bits. They are painful and cause discomfort and a lot of itching. 

The bites are itchy, irritating, and cause a burning sensation on your skin.

You are most likely to notice these bites on your ankle as they are your most exposed area since fleas live in carpets.

Pale gums

Fleas feed on blood. If you notice your pet has pale gums, it could be the fleas causing it. They suck on blood, and this could cause anemia.

Kindly pay a visit to the veterinarian to look at your pet, but most importantly, take action and get rid of them back at home.

How long do flea infestations last?

Fleas survive in relatively humid environments. It is why you will mostly find them in pets, pet’s bedding, and carpets, and yards.

Their life cycle depends on environmental conditions. They have a life cycle of between 18- 21 days. If there isn’t a host to feed on, the flea larvae may remain dormant, waiting for a conducive development environment.  

An adult flea can live up to one year with favorable conditions but about 1-2 weeks if no host is present.

3 Dependable ways to get rid of flea infestation

Pest control treatment

Having a professional pest control company perform a pest treatment in your home is the most dependable way to get rid of fleas.

A pest control company will examine the infestation in every corner of the house and give treatment accordingly compared to if you do it yourself. 

Do your due diligence by researching the best pest control company in your area.

A visit to the vet

I bet the scratching and biting of your pet make you too uncomfortable. You should schedule a visit to see a veterinarian to observe and treat your pet. Ensure to have gotten rid of all the fleas back at home; to prevent reinfection.

Vacuum the house

Use a powerful vacuum cleaner in the house. Pay close attention to the floor, mattresses, upholstery, cracks, and other tight spaces. Use a vacuum with a disposable bag to get rid of it after cleaning to avoid reinfestation.

Frequently asked questions

Can flea bites cause allergic reactions?

Flea bites are very itchy, irritating, and cause discomfort. They rarely cause allergic reactions. Some people are allergic to fleabites.

 Some of the symptoms include intense itching, shortness of breath, and swelling of the face, hands, mouth, or lips. 

If you experience any of the above symptoms, kindly seek medical attention immediately.

How to treat flea bites?

Flea bites can irritate. You can apply anti-itch cream on the affected areas to ease scratching.

Bath using antiseptic disinfectant to ease the scratching and the irritation.

Do fleas transmit diseases?

Yes. Fleas can transmit some diseases to humans. Flea Allergy Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by flea allergy. Many dogs and cats can develop this disease from flea bites.

Fleas also cause intestinal parasites and tapeworms. These can also transmit to human beings and cause health conditions.

It is vital to get rid of fleas to avoid these diseases that might cause health conditions.

How to get rid of a flea infestation?

  • You can get rid of fleas by vacuuming the house. Pay attention to the floors, cracks, and tight spaces. Use a disposable bag, one that you can dispose of to avoid reinfestation.
  • Wash your bedding, including that of your pet, in hot water. Dry the bedding in the highest heat setting. It will kill the fleas and the eggs that might hatch in your bedding.
  • You have to mow your lawn to be short and neat. Fleas love to hide in the long grass. Make sure to pick up dirt to remove all their hiding areas.
  • You might want to book a vet appointment for your pet. Your vet will be able to examine the intensity of the infestation on your pet and treat it accordingly.
  • Have a pest control company come in to look at your house. They will be able to examine your home and offer treatment accordingly.

Can non-pet owners have fleas?

Yes. You can have fleas even though you do not own a pet. You can have them outside your home, a visit by an infected pet, or a visit to an infested home. It is among the ways you can have fleas in your home.

Can second-hand items spread a flea infestation?

You could be having the thought of purchasing a second-hand item. Hold that thought right there! You can get fleas from purchasing second-hand items.

Fleas can hide in tight and secluded places. Have a look at the item carefully to eradicate any suspicion of fleas. It will save you from dealing with fleas once they get into your house.


Fleas are parasitic insects that survive by sucking the blood of animals and humans. You can find fleas in pets because of their furs that provide warm conditions for their breeding. A flea infestation can move from your pet to you and from one pet to another.

Fleas bite are very irritating and cause discomfort. Besides, their bite causes a burning sensation. You might notice your pet is constantly scratching, licking, and biting its fur. It could be the fleas causing them distress.

You will notice that your pet has pale gums. It is because fleas feed on blood and can cause anemia in animals, which is an indication that the infestation has spread out. Thus, it would be best if you took the time to have your pet examined by your veterinary to have them treated.

You can get rid of fleas by thoroughly vacuum cleaning your house. Use a disposable bag to avoid getting the fleas on you. Pay attention to the floor, especially areas with carpets, upholstery, cracks, and tight spaces.

Wash your bedding and your pet in hot water, and air-dry them in the highest heat setting to get rid of the fleas.

It can get a bit frustrating to get rid of fleas on your own. Contact a professional pest control company to help you get rid of the fleas in your home.

Are you looking for flea terminators in Calgary?

I know it could be devastating to come home, and all you need is some cuddling with your fur friend, but the fleas won’t let you.

Topline is the premium pest control company to help you get rid of the fleas in your house. Let topline flee the fleas away! And get your cuddles back with your fur friend.

Get in touch now!

For more information and hire professional services, please contact us on 4038133666

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