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Apr 07, 2022


If you have a skunk living in your yard is a sure indication of trouble. Skunks are not just a source of significant and costly destruction to gardens and lawns and gardens, but they also carry parasites that can be harmful to humans as well as domestic pets, such as mites, rabies, ticks tapeworms, and ticks. They are most active during summer. they are the cause of anxiety because of the mess they leave behind when they hunt for food. If you’re experiencing difficulties with skunks, call Cal-Rid Exterminators Inc. a call, and we’ll be able to assist you deal with your skunk Removal.

Skunk Removal
Nature scene from Wisconsin



The process of determining whether skunks are present isn’t a problem to do. The primary indication of skunks’ presence their obnoxious scent. This smell is usually how homeowners detect that there are skunks within their property. There are other indicators that could be footprints on the dog houses, or any other place near the outside, that food items were left. Holes are also an indicator of the presence of skunks because they dig holes and trenches in order to gain access to the fence or through gates. They’re always looking for areas to hide like under sheds, woodpiles porches, decks, crawl spaces, etc.


If you come across an skunk, look out for defense behaviors such as stamped feet. Get away from the skunk gradually and calmly. If you believe that a skunk has been spotted within or around your home. You can also add lights and sound to make it less appealing. We can also apply mild repellents, such as capsaicin and castor oil or ammonia-soaked rags to repel the skunk Removal. You can also call the experts at Cal-Rid for Skunk Removal.


The smell of skunk is more prevalent during the the latter part of winter, when it’s mating season. Their babies are born in mid-spring through mid-summer. A litter may contain between 1 and 10 kits. It’s important to take care of your home all year round in order to keep the skunks.


We recommend that you keep any garbage bins that are located around your property closed especially the green carts, and if you are able, take your recycling to be collected the night before pickup or in the morning prior to pick-up , to minimize the possibility of a skunk wandering through your bins in search of their next food source. We also recommend to seal off any areas that which skunks could find attractive as shelter. Be safe and keep your pets in the dark during the night.

We’re here to help!

We’ll assist you in eliminating the skunks using our trusted removal services for skunks in Calgary. Relocating and trapping the skunk in another zone is typically the desired option for most homeowners, and we can offer the service with ease and at reasonable costs. Therefore, contact us and we’ll gladly assist you.

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