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5 ways to prevent rat infestations at home

Aug 07, 2021


When the temperature outside gets comfortable, rats and mice start infiltrating your home. Although many people don’t take rats and mice seriously, however, these creatures can be dangerous to your property and health.

Since many rats can cause severe viral diseases, and others invade your home and keep damaging anything they find. Their usual target is your food in addition to the basement goods. However, they will never stop messing up until you take some productive action. 

Fortunately, there are some excellent methods to get rid of these rats from your house naturally. If you do not want to kill them, consider controlling their activity in the first place.

Since rat prevention is a global concern, many companies offer sprays, chemicals, and rat-killing products to prevent rats. In addition, you can quickly get a rat killer insecticide chemical from any supermarket around your neighbourhood.

However, I will urge you not to go wild when dealing with rats. Although I may sound gentle on these creatures, killing is not the natural and humane solution, especially when there are excellent alternatives to control them. Yes, it is indeed a fact.

You can organically prevent rats with some natural household remedies. But in case of an emergency such as property damage or food infestations. You can kill them for your safety and home security. Let’s discuss the natural ways to prevent rats at your house before jumping to insecticides, pests removal sprays, and other chemicals. 

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 1 Distance from rats 

Close all the holes along your exterior while paying extra attention to the doors, windows, and vents in your house. Since these are the areas rats might enter in your home and infest. So precaution is the best solution, especially while you can. 

2 Home hygiene 

Garbage and waste can attract rats and other pests to your home. Cleaning your house regularly ensures the prevention of rat infiltration. Therefore, you must always dispose of the junk and never keep any leftover food in the place. Always keep the kitchen clean.

Make sure that you do not have any bread crumbs or tiny pieces of food on the flooring. In addition, you must plant shrubs and bushes at least 3 feet away from houses because these areas offer rats a haven.

3 Maintain food sources 

Rodents are drawn to gardening and fruit trees. If you have fruit trees, grab fallen fruit daily. Maintain the tree trimmed to eliminate rodent hiding places. Wrap a piece of sheet metal 2 feet high and around the trunk of your tree to produce a rat barrier.

4 Destroy their habitat 

Do you like the idea of sharing your home with rats? Then please give these pests no house to stay. How can you do that? There are some valuable methods you must make know:

  1. Eliminate any trash from your homes, such as limbs, old vehicles, or gadgets.
  2. If you have woodpiles or lumber, maintain them at least 3 feet over the ground and at least a foot away from the building and other buildings.
  3. Eliminate dense vegetation, as rats see that as a great place to hide.

5 Traps & toxins to kill them

Toxins, chemicals, and insecticides were your last bet when most methods failed to prevent rats at your home. And now, when rats keep overcrowding your home. You have no option but to use traps or, in some cases, chemicals to kill them. Cage traps, for instance, are commercially available traps for trapping rats within your home that are not dangerous to children or pets.

On the contrary, using toxic chemicals is the most effective and quick way to control pests; however, they use them according to their expert suggestion. I highly recommend specialist help when you have unfortunately reached this situation and all other natural and organic methods could not work for you. 

Natural ways to control rats infestation at your home


Did you know that rats can not stand the smell of onion because of its strong, pungent smell? Hence, onions can be a super organic and easy solution to control rats in the very beginning.

You need to remove the skin of an onion, cut it in half or slice it into pieces, and place it around the house. Ensure that you’re putting the onions at the right place where pests activity is active during the day and night. In addition, you can fool them by keeping some bread crumbs or leftover food that you might not need besides the onion slice.

And make sure to replace the onions once they’re spoiled or rotten. Although this method will not kill the rats, it can potentially control them to enter most spaces in your houses, such as the kitchen or basement storage. 

Essential Oils:

Essential oils and neem can be your friend in need. Many folks have been using these organic, toxic-free, and eco-friendly solutions for thousands of years. Because there is no harm in using neem oil in any form, you can use it to spray vulnerable areas at your home to prevent rat infections.

Similarly, other essential oils have the same benefit to control rat infection in your household. You’re not even holding the rat infection in your home but also making it healthy with the usage of oils that have health benefits. 

In addition to neem oil, peppermint, citronella, and eucalyptus are some of the most popular essential oils you can use to prevent rat infection at home.

These nature-rich healthy oils contain a rich scent that works the same as the onions do. By using these oils, you’re not even controlling rat infection but also prohibiting all sorts of pests and parasites that might pose another problem in your home. 

Furthermore, you can use ammonia. Apart from its abilities as a cleaning agent, people have trusted it to control rat infection. In addition to rat infection, ammonia can also prevent bacteria, parasites, and all sorts of rodents and pests. You can use it by mixing two tablespoons of detergent into two cups of ammonia.

Then shake and mix it inside the bottle of water before putting on the spots where you consider rats might infiltrate often. 


A concentration of 5-10& of any of these oils mentioned above will be an efficient yet natural friendly deterrent to control rat infection in your house. 


Please read the description on the back of the bottle of any oil you may use to control rat infection in your house to know their ingredients because essential oils contain toxins that might cause allergies to you or your pets. 

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