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Five shocking health risks caused by rat infestation

Dec 06, 2021


Are rats harmful?

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. These pests are a nuisance to the household and is they grow into a rat infestation, they can create a lot of damage. Not just that, they can squeeze in small openings, which gives them an entry to the house.

Are rats harmful? Yes, they are. They cause structural damage to homes and chew clothing. Their bite and scratch can lead to rat-bite fever.

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. These pests are a nuisance to the household and is they grow into a rat infestation, they can create a lot of damage.
Image Source – Here

Their droppings and hair shed can cause allergic reactions. People affected by allergies can be affected by this to the extent of developing more severe symptoms.

Rats can transmit diseases in two different ways; directly and indirectly. Some of the diseases transmitted by rats directly include; Rat-bite fever, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, leptospirosis, and Salmonellosis.

The diseases caused indirectly by rats are; plague, Colorado tick fever, and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. 

How can I identify a rat infestation?

A live rat

There are a lot of signs to look out for a rat infestation in the house. Seeing a live rat is a guarantee of an infestation.

Rats are most active during the night. If you get to see a rat during the day, this means that they are reproducing and their habitat is overpopulated. It only translates to one thing; more work for you in dealing with them.


Rats make a scratching, gnawing, and rustling in the house. So, if you hear such sounds, you might want to check it out, as this is a sign of a rat infestation in your house. The scratching sounds are them destroying property in your house.

These noises are their signs of communicating with each other depending on the frequency of the noise. For example, squeaking and hissing sounds can be an indication that the rat is in pain or is afraid.


Rats get entry into your house through small openings. If you notice any hole openings that you are not aware of, it could be the entry points of rats.

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. These pests are a nuisance to the household and is they grow into a rat infestation, they can create a lot of damage.
Image Source – Here

Rats can also chew through walls and floors to create up their entry points. Hence, ensure to identify these holes and have them sealed.

Rat droppings

Rat feces are identified as black, tiny pellets. They are found in large groupings. Besides, you can find these droppings in their hideout areas.

You might also notice a foul smell in your house, which comes from their urine. These are a clear indication of the presence of rats in your house.


Rats shred on any available materials to make nests. Also, they shred newspapers and fabrics. So, in case you notice pieces of shredding materials, it indicates the pet and not your kids being messy.

Five diseases spread by rat infestations

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

This disease is usually transmitted by cotton rats, rice rats, and white-footed mice. Besides, it can also be transmitted by touching any contaminated object with rodent urine, droppings, and saliva.

People can also get sick by eating foods contaminated with rodents’ urine, saliva, and droppings from an infected rodent. In rare cases, is this disease spread by a bite?

This disease mostly attacks the respiratory system and can cause difficulty in breathing. It is mostly mistaken for flu. It might prove fatal if not treated immediately and effectively.


The bacteria that spread this disease is found in the urine of infected animals; it can get in water or soil and survive there for a long time.

People get infected with this disease by coming into contact with the infected rodent’s urine or contact with water, soil, or food contaminated with the infected animal’s urine.

The bacteria can enter the human body through the skin. It can showcase signs such as fever, headache, chills, rash, and muscle aches.

Rat-bite fever

It is an infectious disease caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus. People get infected with this disease after contact with an infected rodent or through consuming food and water contaminated with water and urine of an infected rodent.

Image Source – Here

The symptoms include; fever, vomiting, headache, and muscle pain. So, if you develop any signs and have been in contact with rodents, make sure to see your doctor and get treatment.


It is an infection caused by a bacteria known as salmonella, which is found in the intestinal tracks of animals.

It is transmitted to humans by eating food contaminated with animal feces that have bacteria and causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) 

It is a rodent-borne viral infectious disease caused by the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Transmission occurs with exposure to urine, droppings, saliva, and nesting materials from infected rodents.

The symptoms of this disease include; headache, nausea, fever, lack of appetite, and muscle aches. Thus, if you have any of the symptoms and come into contact with rodents, make sure to seek medical attention.

Other damages that rats cause

Rats bite off food and other packed foodstuffs such as cereals. So, it can be annoying as you have to get rid of the food and replace it.

In addition, rats can chew anything, from structures, plastic utensils, and wires. You can notice these by having a look at such items; this can be annoying.

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. These pests are a nuisance to the household and is they grow into a rat infestation, they can create a lot of damage.

Imagine you are having your friends over, and amidst the enjoyment, a rat passes by. The embarrassment! I do not think anybody can forget that. Well, more reason to get rid of them.

How can I get rid of a rat infestation?

  • You can use a rat trap to get rid of rats. Place the trap in a strategic place where they mostly pass to catch them.
  • Close all openings that provide entry to the rats. Remember, rats find their way to the house by squeezing themselves in small openings.
  • Get in touch with pest control near you to have them assess your house. The company will offer treatment depending on the infestation.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know my house has a rat infestation?

It would be best if you looked out for the signs of a rat infestation. Look out for their droppings, any damage in structures. Most importantly, you have to see a live rat.

How do I get rid of rats?

You can get rid of rats by having a rat trap, closing all openings, and getting a pests control company to offer treatment.

Can rats spread diseases?

Yes. Rats can spread diseases. But, luckily, one can treat these diseases with proper treatments and they rarely cause complications if taken care of early.


Rats can be irritating to have in the house. They can be harmful to human beings by transmitting diseases. However, these diseases rarely cause severe symptoms when treated early.

There are signs to look out for if you have a rat infestation. For instance, rats cause structural damage to items and furniture; their droppings are tiny black pellets, they make annoying scratching sounds and walk around the house.

Nevertheless, you can get rid of rats by using a rat trap, sealing all openings that let them in, and contacting a pest control company to get rid of them.

Are you looking for rat terminators in Calgary?

I bet you are tired of the little rats running across your house, and you cannot take any more of them. Fortunately, Topline is at your rescue from these pets.

So, what are you waiting for really? Get in touch.

For more information and hire professional services, please contact us on 4038133666

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