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Mar 25, 2022


Voles are small rodents with at and healthy body, small hairy tail, a slightly  rounded head, smaller ear, and eyes. Vole are also called meadow mice or field  mice in Calgary Alberta or North America. They can grow up to 3-9 inch in size. Gestation last for three weeks. They can have to 9-10 litters per year, 5-10 young per litters and young Vole reach sexual maturity in a month, that’s why Vole  population can grow very large within short time. A mating pair can produce a  hundred more vole in a year.

Vole resemble other small rodents like Moles,  Gophers, and mice. Voles are vegetarian they eat plants roots, bark, and bulbs. They make around inch tunnel in yard. Presence of vole is usually Identified when  you see large number of destroyed plant in your yard. They also play beneficial  roles in dispersing nutrients through the upper soil layer. We can differentiate  vole from other Rodent by their shape and size. They have their brown or black  fur and short tail. Average life of smaller vole is 3-6 months. Some species live  longer and usually die their second or third winter. Mostly vole die with in the  first month of life. Calgary Vole/ prairies Vole are socially faithful to the female  and share in the raising of pups. 


1. Voles have short tail, but mice have long tail. (About their body length.) 2. Voles look heavier than mice 

3. Voles tend to be active in open field while mice are thigmophilic. 4. Voles make about two inches wide tunnel in yard while mice prefer to live  inside the structure. 

5. Voles eat plants roots, bulbs, grass, stem, and bark while mice eat grain  seed and food.

Voles in Calgary Alberta 

In Calgary Alberta when snow melt or Vole’s activity can find spring and fall. Damage from Vole can be found on residential properties, sidewalk, parks, and  open field. Vole make burrow along the edging of the lawn, garden bed,  sidewalk and driway. They are vegetarian they eat and destroy young plants,  herbs, many other garden plants, or exposed roots if older trees in Calgary. Vole prefer to live in low-lying or creeping vegetation and make trails through  the grass or snow.


Voles are tiny rodents which are related to lemmings and even hamsters, however with a larger body, a longer hairy tail; an elongated head that is slightly larger with smaller eyes and ears and different shaped molars.

We’re here to help!

At Topline Pest Control, we are experts in comprehensive, solutions-based control of voles control. If you’re looking to secure your garden or ensure that your yard is free of voles throughout the winter Our team is here to help. Contact us today to find out more about our professional services , or to schedule an appointment.

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